
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


dewan da cop..so next week balik kelantan nak pergi kedai pelamin and tengok dewan..moga segalanya dipermudahkan ^_^

Saturday, August 20, 2011

kahwin dalam banjir???

uih...macam mana nih..hu3.. tp da xde tarikh lain da nk kawin, unless postpone which is a big NO..
so da pk2 n bincang ngan mak ayah n akak..

plan A- buat majlis kesyukuran and sanding kt dewan
- esok (isnin) pergi tempah dewan.. harap2 harga masih kekal which is rm400..hu3.. tp package majlis perkahwinan include ap yer??
- prob 1.huwa..tarikh da da dekat - 3 bulan and 28 hari..harap2 lah dewan tu blom ad org book lg..lau x, kne pg plan B.
- prob 2: alamak..pelamin kat dewan mahal lah.. smlm tnye tmpt my sis tempah plamin, it may cost me rm1500-2500 k... yes, i can affort it,, but i dont think it is worth..nk burn 1.5 k within 4 hours punye majlis..membazir!!

plan B- majlis kesyukuran kat dewan, sanding kat sebelah pihak lelaki.
- plan ni kalo x dpt pelamin yang berbaloi lah..mcm pelik sikit..tp xkisah lah..jnji dapat merasa naik plamin bersama ngan encik hubby..hu3

plan C- majlis nikah kat umah kakak or abang. majlis sanding after masing2 dah habis belajar
- ini plan kalo x dapat dewan lah.
- disadvantage 1: penat kne buat kerja dua kali
- disadvantage 2: sedare mare ramai yg xdpt dtg
- disadvantage 3: makan duit lagi banyak.

adeh, tiap kali dekat nak exam pasti ader new issues..hu3..

Sunday, August 7, 2011

i'm a final year student!!!!

yes.. i want this year to be the final year.. and bye the end of this year, i'm going to be a marvellous doctor.InsyaAllah.. i was told a few time by the lecturers--indirectly; to hold the wedding. and get married after we got the MBBS. hu3.. i'm scared. of course.. but i want a blessed relationship. it doesn't really matter if the phone, internet and especially skype were not created, and were are strong enough to take care of the relationship with NO sin.. but it is IMPOSSIBLE. please make me strong. it is only 132 days remaining for me to get married and i hope that 121 days after that i will sit for the exam with confident and pass with flying colours ;)

Friday, August 5, 2011

no progress~~~

xbuat paper pun utk wedding december nnt..seriau gk..wedding in dec and final yr exam in april..may Allah help me!!