
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 25, 2011

About Us

We are happily married couple. We live separately for now, but in our heart we are always together. She's from P.kubor and I from Machang.
She is in Malaysia and I am in Egypt. Means we are 8000km away from each other, but distance is nothing because we are in love with each other. Thats it. Have a good reading :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

gemuk & baju nikah

baju nikah belum tempah lg..
boleh x kalo anta jer baju kt tukang jahit tp xmo ukur badan lagi???
"akak,nnt bile sy dah kurus sikit sy dtg la balik ukur boleh??alah, akak bukan jahit skarang pun..paling2 cepat after raya"
hehe.. boleh x???sbb skang mmg out of shape.. exam is a risk for sedentary life style..
plus mulut yg x brenti2 ngunyah time stdy..hehe..

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

suasa vs silver

platinum is out of question... sebab saya xde budget untuk itu.. sori ;)

knape sy post pasal ni lg?? sbb i just ask my sister, and she said she bought a suasa ring for her husband. then i asked her. "bukan haram ker"
dengan muka yg garang( as usual ;P) "mane ader, boleh la"

herm, the i think about it a lot.. so from what i read, i choose SILVER over suasa ;)
you had to be agree with me..ha3!!

my reason

  1. harga lagi murah
  2. boleh beli sepasang, kaler same. sy dah xnk dah cincin emas
  3. sunnah nabi.. awak kan kate kalo org xikot sunnah nabi, orang tu adalah ______- (*sy x ingt)
  4. dapat pahal free2
  5. org ckp, die xhrm sbb mas die sikit, 20% jer..so bile dileburkan balik xder rupa mas dah, n bile lebur kali kedua, jadi tembaga..so x ker MEMBAZIR?? dah xder value dah.. (mgkin org ckp-xkan nk jual cincin nikah kot???? my answer: kite x penah tau ap yg bakal berlaku in future.. ntah2 sebentuk cincin ni lah yg slamatkn nyawa o akidah kita kelak)
  6. sbb laki yg pkai kaler silver lg nmpk muda. (saye rase lelaki yg tua jer pkai suasa-no offence ;) )
nnt lau ad idea sy topup lg
 sy berkenan cincin simple gini

 tp mcm sama sgt la plak dengan kite punye kapel ring kan???

Monday, June 13, 2011

how to choose the wedding date??

ini yang pening kpale..lagi2 bile ada banyak sgt limitation

and in my case is
1. both of us are student = no money and worse, medical student = not many holiday
2. i'm in Malaysia and he is currently in egypt.
3. he don't have sijil kursus pra-perkahwinan

so mcm sush jugak la nk decide tarikh
kne consider

  • bile die balik malaysia and pergi egypt
  • bile die buat kursus kahwin
  • kebenaran kahwin bole dapat dlm mase brape hari
  • mak ayah sy ok jer, tp problem is with the other siblings..kne tau bile diorg available lak
  • nak bt tarikh dekat...(senang2 bt satu hari terus je lah ;( )
  • sebelah laki kne bt after 25 dec until early jan
  • er, kg sy kawasan yg kerap banjir..hu3

sek keb pengkalan kubor tuh adalah lokasi penduduk kg sy dipindahkn bile banjir

Sunday, June 12, 2011

fixed!!! :)

1st, thx to the bloggers out there because i knew about it from them!!

so happy!!! finally my engagement ring had been fixed.

ha3.. successfully dragging my sister to the habib jewel at plaza shah alam (aka plaza masalam)
 when i arrived there, the sale girl greet me.. then i told her that i want a ring clip
sale girl: ring guard eh??? rasenye dah abes
saya tepon smlm, kate ad lagi
sale girl: oh yea eh..kejap eh..then she asked her colleague to look for it
after ~3 minutes she asked me to go to the counter..
ni rm5, nk ker??then she ask me to show my ring
yap, nk! the one that she show me is yellow gold in color.
after measure the size, she asked me, do i really want to be the ring guard? because the ring size and my size is far differ..

  • the ring size: 14
  • my left 4th finger: 10
  • my right 4th finger: 11
  • the ring that i used to wear-the couple ring: 11
  • i thought my ring size was 13
she keep on persuading me to get the ring into smaller size
but the answer is NO ;) because it is a gift from you ( to be exact, from your mother)

then she got it fixed into size 10 and i had to wait again for 5minutes.

the yellow gold color actually wear off straight away after she gave it to me, but i don't expect much.hu3

she already wrote the receipt, i don't where she put the receipt, but later she asked me, do you want the receipt?
er, it's ok lah..because i'm in hurry. i hope it wont cause me trouble in the future

i'm so happy ;))

but then bad thing happend..

1. the long handle of the sling bag suddenly detached, and the bag felt..OMG i'm sure everyone look at me because i had my laptop inside the bag, so of course the sound was quit loud.
2. the keychain attach to the bag also felt off and IT WAS NOT ACTUALLY ATTACHED TO EACH OTHER.
it really scared me. it's bad news???

Saturday, June 11, 2011

wedding ring

tbe2 tgok cincin kt jari ni terpikir plak psal wedding ring
honestly da x nk da gold ring..da x cukup jari da..so rase cm mmbazir plak kalo beli
n lg penting, nk cincin yg same ;) just like cincin time kapel..
n nk cari cincin yg senang pkai as medical student and future doctor.. yg kne sll handwashing.. so sll kne tanggal..
so i think sterling silver is the best choice..
nk yg our name and marriage day engraved on it.. ;0 super duper sweet..
kalo ad batu2 cm sush plak kn..
nnt balik cuti 3 minggu nk ushalah..hehe..
itupun kalo awk setujulah

ad a few rings yg sy bkenan..tp xingt da amik kt mner gmbr tuh..later i'l show it to you ok

Friday, June 10, 2011


zaman dulu cincin belah rotan saja utk tunang..zaman skang, tunang da dpt cincin berlian..hehe..sonok, sgt seronok..tp bile lah nk g cari ring clip nih..xmo duk diam cincin kt jari manisku ini..hehe..

thx ibu for the ring..;) and for everything..

rase cm nk upload gmbr..next entry lah..;D

Thursday, June 9, 2011

wedding countdown removed

11.11 xjadik
3.12 xjadik

24.12???? then you have to go back to egypt on 1st of january???
so scary!!!

should we just proceed with the wedding??or just really postpone it??i'm swayed


sedihnye..sumenye gara2 xpergi kursus kahwin tyme keli kt malaysia... huk2..

1. kat mane tempat yg kursus kahwin dpt sijil terus???

2. brape lame mase diperlukan utk dptkn kebenaran kahwin bg kedua-dua pihak???

3. xkan nak kahwin seminggu then dah nk berpisah??


ya Allah..permudahkanlah. dan semoga apa sahaja yang berlaku adalah terbaik untuk kami.
ohw..my heart sink

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


;) this is the real one..

i hope i can share what i have in mind with you..
since our wedding gonna be concluded soon..

love you