
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

suasa vs silver

platinum is out of question... sebab saya xde budget untuk itu.. sori ;)

knape sy post pasal ni lg?? sbb i just ask my sister, and she said she bought a suasa ring for her husband. then i asked her. "bukan haram ker"
dengan muka yg garang( as usual ;P) "mane ader, boleh la"

herm, the i think about it a lot.. so from what i read, i choose SILVER over suasa ;)
you had to be agree with me..ha3!!

my reason

  1. harga lagi murah
  2. boleh beli sepasang, kaler same. sy dah xnk dah cincin emas
  3. sunnah nabi.. awak kan kate kalo org xikot sunnah nabi, orang tu adalah ______- (*sy x ingt)
  4. dapat pahal free2
  5. org ckp, die xhrm sbb mas die sikit, 20% jer..so bile dileburkan balik xder rupa mas dah, n bile lebur kali kedua, jadi tembaga..so x ker MEMBAZIR?? dah xder value dah.. (mgkin org ckp-xkan nk jual cincin nikah kot???? my answer: kite x penah tau ap yg bakal berlaku in future.. ntah2 sebentuk cincin ni lah yg slamatkn nyawa o akidah kita kelak)
  6. sbb laki yg pkai kaler silver lg nmpk muda. (saye rase lelaki yg tua jer pkai suasa-no offence ;) )
nnt lau ad idea sy topup lg
 sy berkenan cincin simple gini

 tp mcm sama sgt la plak dengan kite punye kapel ring kan???

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