
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 11, 2011

wedding ring

tbe2 tgok cincin kt jari ni terpikir plak psal wedding ring
honestly da x nk da gold ring..da x cukup jari da..so rase cm mmbazir plak kalo beli
n lg penting, nk cincin yg same ;) just like cincin time kapel..
n nk cari cincin yg senang pkai as medical student and future doctor.. yg kne sll handwashing.. so sll kne tanggal..
so i think sterling silver is the best choice..
nk yg our name and marriage day engraved on it.. ;0 super duper sweet..
kalo ad batu2 cm sush plak kn..
nnt balik cuti 3 minggu nk ushalah..hehe..
itupun kalo awk setujulah

ad a few rings yg sy bkenan..tp xingt da amik kt mner gmbr tuh..later i'l show it to you ok


  1. hehe.. nnt sempat tu kita cari :)

  2. i must be confused btween dec and sept.. but i remember the date well.. just done replaced it with the correct one ;D

    hu3..kita mean i have to wait for another 5 months and 19 days ;(
